Passions within us burns like fires. Fires that come from the character of God and fires that fight against God. Sexual desire is a great fire God placed in us. But like a fire, if it isnt contained and controlled, sexual desire can be destructive to our lives.
Game Changer
Do we really now who we are? The answer is found in the One who knows us all better than ourselves. But who is God? JG breaks down the source of our identity. Knowing God changes the game for us in every aspect. The answers are right in front of us.
Free Fall
In world that sells an idea of freedom as living it up and doing whatever we want, Reubz brings a powerful word on finding true freedom. The truth will set you free. The truth isn't an idea, the truth is a person. Freedom isn't falling, freedom is flying.
No More Options
We live in a culture where we have a lot of options. But what do we do when the world has nothing else to offer us in the middle of trouble? What do we do when we have no more options? Age takes us into the life events of a woman to walk us into our only option.
It's easy for us to walk through life thinking that we need more of everything. But coming to the realization that God is more than enough for every need and situation can shape the way we live. Age unpacks this truth in Philippians for us. Live in the sufficiency of Jesus.
Identity Shift
Choosing God will impact the identity you accept. Understanding the way God sees us will shift your perspective on life. Reubz looks into the original language of the Word to expose the destiny of those who know follow Jesus knowing who they are.
It's the things that we don't see that are the deadliest because they sneak up on us. We don't realize it until it's too late. Jealousy is a blood demanding killer that can affect us down to our core. Reubz digs into the story of Joseph and his brothers to show us this in action.